Wedding Garters have been such a tradition for Brides. My Mother wore a Wedding Garter – I so wish she had kept it. She told me wearing a garter was a very important garter tradition for Brides. She was married in 1955 and I have always loved all the fashions at that time. Everything was so glamorous back then. My thoughts turn to Grace Kelly, American Cars and the elegant Hairstyles.
I tried to research what garter styles may have been worn by Brides back then, but photographs are simply impossible to find. Google simply brings up images of current Wedding Garter styles and whilst they are gorgeous, I just find myself dreaming about Garters that were from another era. Were they delicate and small or full of lace and pearls?
I guess the Brides of the 1950’s were very discreet back then and would not have had their Garter on show, let alone be photographed. Photographs of my parent’s Wedding Day was mostly of them or with their family. I guess I couldn’t really imagine a Photographer asking a Bride to lift her Bridal Dress for a peak at her Wedding Garter!
But my Mother assures me she wore a Garter that was lace and it had tiny blue flowers embroidered onto it. Other than that, she can’t remember much more. I so wish I could see an image of it.
My Grandmother was a Seamstress who made Wedding Dresses for a living. She worked for a large store in one of Melbourne’s main Streets – Swanston Street. She made my Mother’s Wedding Dress and it was beautiful.
Her influence definately created my early interest in sewing. As a little girl I remember her sitting at her Sewing Machine, sewing special clothes for myself and my little cousins. We always had a new outfit for our Birthday or Christmas. It was always such fun seeing them take shape. I think I inherited her love of design and creativity which I now enjoy when I am making beautiful Wedding Garters for Brides
The Garter Toss
It was an important Wedding Tradition too – The Garter Toss. The Groom would remove it and throw it into a waiting crowd of his Groomsmen and other single men attending the Wedding. It was much anticipated and great fun for all of the participants.
Find out more about The Garter Toss